
Longplayer has been playing for
25 years 040 days 05 hours 12 minutes and 32 seconds

Search & Find Longplayer

Longplayer’s permanent home is in Trinity Buoy Wharf in London. There are also public listening posts around the world, and a continuous online audio stream.

How to find Longplayer


Take part in Longplayer Live

Applications are now open to 18-25 year olds for an opportunity to train and perform as part of Longplayer Live, a 1000 minute performance of a 1000 year long piece of music, taking place at Roundhouse in April. As part of Longplayer’s 25th anniversary celebrations, we are offering a rare and unique opportunity to take…

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A thousand-year-long composition turns 25

As of midday today (GMT), New Year’s Eve, Longplayer has been playing continuously, without repetition, for 25 years. Playing since the cusp of the new millennium, at midnight on 31 December 1999, the composition will continue without repetition (if circumstances permit it to) until the last moments of 2999, when it will return to the…

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New Longplayer merchandise just launched!

Longplayer 2025 Calendar, limited edition, £20 + P&P. To celebrate Longplayer 25th birthday on the 31st December 2024, we are releasing a limited edition calendar of original artworks by artists who have had a musical relationship with Jem Finer, the composer of Longplayer. Each of these first edition calendars will be signed and numbered by…

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Since the spring of 2013, Artangel and the Longplayer Trust have been inviting thinkers and writers from a wide variety of disciplines to engage in a chain of written correspondence on the subject of long-term thinking.

Read the Longplayer Letters