Long Afternoon

Change in time! This weekend’s Long Afternoon (25th June) will start at the slightly later time of 2pm (instead of 1pm). This is because there is a wedding taking place in the venue beneath the lighthouse, and we don’t want to disturb the ceremony.

The event will now run from 2pm til 5pm, with the children’s facilitator available from 2 til 4pm. 

Starting in June, the Longplayer Trust is hosting Long Afternoons – open social events – on the last Sunday of every month, at the lighthouse in Trinity Buoy Wharf.

We invite you to join us to meet at the lighthouse and listen to Longplayer resonate through the space. We want to reflect with you on the ideas inspired by Longplayer, and how we can connect with deep time from where we are now.

There will be a facilitator for young people (for ages 7 to 12), leading guided activities.

Sunday 25th June from 2pm – 5pm

(facilitator for young people aged 7 – 12 years, from 2pm – 4pm)

Please note there is limited access to the first floor and lantern room of the lighthouse, via very narrow stairs.

Toilets available onsite at Trinity Buoy Wharf.

Places are limited to avoid overcrowding. Please book your spot here

Lighthouse, Trinity Buoy Wharf, 64 Orchard Place, London E14 OJW

Click here for more visitor information