Longplayer’s algorithm available on GitHub

Longplayer’s score can take many forms, from graphic representations to computer code. A version written in Python, with the Raspberry Pi in mind, can now be found on Longplayer’s GitHub page.

A score composed to play for a 1000 years requires long term thinking and planning across multiple scales. A key consideration for the Longplayer Trust is how to make the work as widely accessible, communicable and sustainable as possible.

As Longplayer is currently mostly performed by computers, this also requires a consideration of digital longevity and accessibility. When the composition first started playing on the cusp of the millenium, it did so via a code written in SuperCollider, running on a Mac computer.

Thanks to the recent work of Daniel Jones and Jem Finer, Longplayer’s algorithm, written in Python, is now available via GitHub to anyone wishing to set up their own listening post and / or interact with it on an algorithmic level. You can check out Longplayer’s algorithm on GitHub now: https://github.com/TheLongplayerTrust