
  • The Longplayer Conversation 2023
    04 August 2023

    The Longplayer Conversation 2023: Richard Sabin and Dr Sada Mire

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  • 30th July Long Afternoon and Q&A with Jem Finer
    05 July 2023

    Our second Long Afternoon of 2023 is on 30th July, and includes a Q&A with the artist Jem Finer, who conceived and composed Longplayer.

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  • a photograph of the lighthouse tower, shot from below, including a sign that says 'Lighthouse 1864'

    Long Afternoon
    05 June 2023

    Change in time! This weekend’s Long Afternoon (25th June) will start at the slightly later time of 2pm (instead of 1pm). This is because there is a wedding taking place in the venue beneath the lighthouse, and we don’t want to disturb the ceremony.

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  • New Old Recordings on Bandcamp
    01 December 2022

    Two Longplayer Remixes by Robin Rimbaud / Scanner, from 2003, are now available on Longplayer’s Bandcamp page, alongside an album of music created using Cellular Automata by Jem Finer during the process of composing Longplayer in 1996.

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  • Longplayer Remixes
    18 September 2022

    In 2003 Jem Finer began inviting artists and musicians to choose a 10 minute section from Longplayer’s past, and to use it, in any way they chose, to make a new piece of music. These are now being made available here.    

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