
  • The Pendulum Swings
    Christine Wertheim and Margaret Wertheim

    Time it seems is running out. The question is, will we fail it or will it fail us? In the opening hours of the new millennium Jem Finer launched Longplayer, a thousand-year-long musical score calibrated to end precisely on December 31 2999. Composed of six gradually differentiating Tibetan bell-chants, Longplayer loops spirals through its musical…

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  • Time is Dead
    Janna Levin

    A millennium seems like a long time. Not as long as eternity. Woody Allen said, “Eternity is a very long time. Especially the bit towards the end.” Eternity is difficult to define while one thousand years seems clear enough. It is one thousand trips around the sun. One thousand years becomes colossal in terms of…

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  • An Unidentified Audio Event Arrives From The Post-Computer Age
    Kodwo Eshun

    There are these other forms of life, artificial ones,that want to come into existence. And they are using me as a vehicle for its reproduction and its implementation.Chris Langton [1] I think one of the changes of our consciousness, of how things come into being, of how things are made and how they work is…

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  • Over a Thousand Rainbows
    J. Maizlish Mole

    Longplayer is a time capsule that never closes. It rings and rings. It hums, and peals, and rings again. It settles into long moments of near stillness, then rolls back into motion. It continues, without drawing breath. It has done so for nearly ten years now, and should continue to do so for another 990…

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  • Composer’s Note: 1st Live Performance, 12 September 2009
    Jem Finer

    The composition of Longplayer is built around the application of simple and precise rules to six related pieces of music, each a harmonic transposition of an original 20 min. 20 sec. composition (the ‘source music’). Six 2-minute sections from these transpositions – one from each – are playing simultaneously at all times. Longplayer chooses these…

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  • Spoken Introduction to Longplayer Day 2019
    Gavin Starks

    [listen to an audio version of this narrative] Hello. My name is Gavin Starks. I’ve been working at the intersection of business, technology, science, art and media for over 20 years. I’m one of the Trustees of Longplayer and one of my roles is to help us think through how this piece will keep going…

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